48-351 / course documents / student work / resources / blog
course documents / syllabus / assignments / field journal / research / lectures

syllabus / complete syllabus / course schedule
48-351 Human Factors in Architecture will explore how human factors influence the design, construction and occupancy of the spaces we create. More specifi cally, we will consider the relationships between architecture and our bodies and our senses. We will study how the spaces we occupy affect our perception of ourselves and others. We will examine how we respond to the provocations of form and spaces with our behavior and our social relationships. We will also explore how these relationships have influenced the formation of architectural theory.
This course presents concepts in increasing scales—from the body to the urban setting. The coursework will sensitize you to issues, expand your understanding of the topics, and develop skills that you can implement in your projects. Most importantly, it is hoped that the themes of this course will influence the direction and decisions of your future practice.

Tuesday Feb 19 / the environmental dimension
Thursday Feb 7 / the cognitive dimension
Tuesday Jan 29 / the human dimension
Thursday Jan 17 / values in architecture

field journal / field journal
Midsemester deadline: Thursday March 6
Final deadline: Thursday May 1

research / research paper / research poster
Topic due: 5 Feb, 1-3 paragraphs, printed submission in class
Individual conferences: 4 & 6 March, bibliography, outline, research process due
Paper due: Tuesday 21 April
Presentations: 22, 24, 29 April, 1 May, powerpoint & visuals due by 3pm to Leah before date of presentation
Poster due: 8 May, 6:30-9:30pm, presentation to outside guests

Tuesday Jan 15 / introduction