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History of Freeland, Pa.
Freeland High School, class of 1920

These photographs of the graduating class of 1920 and the commencement program come from Valarie Bedard.

Freeland High School graduating class of 1920

Valerie: Freeland High School - Class of 1920 This is a photo of my grandmother’s senior class at Freeland High School. She is the second person in the second row. Her name is Alberta Brobst. The first person in the second row is her friend, Mary Lukac.

According to the documents she left behind, some of the names of the students in her senior class were: Alberta Brobst, Mary Lukac, Fritz Nagle, Florence West, Mary Gregor, Ethel Feist, Teddy, Jimmy, Norma Bohlin and Mary Francis. I can not identify any of them except my grandmother and Mary Lukac, however.

The high school principal was Mr. Monroe.

Freeland High School graduating class, 1920 Freeland High School graduating class, 1920 Freeland High School graduating class, 1920

Freeland High School Commencement program, 1920

Valerie: I just found the commencement program for my grandmother’s (Alberta Brobst) graduating class. All of the students’ names are on it. I’m so excited that I found it!

We think Mary Francis may be the first one in the first row since we have a separate photo of her with my grandmother with both of their names on it. We could be wrong, though.

There are 16 graduates on the program but only 14 students in the photo, however.

Freeland High School Commencement program, 1920 Freeland High School Commencement program, 1920 Freeland High School Commencement program, 1920 Freeland High School Commencement program, 1920

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