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60-429 ETB Studio: Physical Computing -- Wearables

Cross-listed:05-899 , 53-777
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Physical Computing: Wearables (Pamela Jennings). This class is an opportunity for students to experiment with the possibilities of building electronic devices to wear on the body and clothing to enhance the human experience in private and public spaces, design collaborative physical games, and techno-chic fashions. The emphasis in this class is the use of electronic technology for creative, critical and social purposes that extend beyond the limitations of the computer mouse, keyboard, and computer monitor. The class includes labs to learn how to build circuit boards, work with sensors and write software programs for the Basic Stamp microcontroller. Students will also have assignments based on the Wearable Experience theme. This class is designed for students with many levels of experience working with electronic technologies including: students without prior experience working with electronic technologies; students who have basic knowledge of working with electronic technologies; and students who have worked with electronic technologies and are interested in producing creative and innovative interactive art and design projects. Undergraduate and graduate students from the School of Art, Human Computer Interaction Institute, School of Design and the Entertainment Technology Center are encouraged to enroll in this class. Students from other departments are welcome to enroll pending available seats. Undergraduate students from the School of Art are required to take EMS1 prior to enrollment in this class. Students from other departments should have introductory experience working with computer applications for art, design or programming. Please contact the Professor with any questions regarding prerequisites. For more information, contact Pamela Jenings at. Note: The HCII numbers (05-499 B and 05-899 M) are for HCII students only.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#751
Rank in this department:#15

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 1:30 - 4:20 pm T Jennings DH C316 Add course to my schedule
R Jennings DH C316

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