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51-347 Design in Motion

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51-347 (undergrads) 51-739 (grads) Design in Motion This course provides students with an opportunity to explore motion graphics. The semester will be divided into three phases, which are based on real industry models. In the first phase, students will be taught to be 'animators.' They will be given multiple assignments and through these exercises will become familiar with different software applications. In the second phase, students will become 'motion graphics designers' and will visualize their own ideas through storyboarding. In the final stage, as 'designers/animators,' students will explore title design with skills learned in the previous stages. This project involves the design of typography, motion, and compositing. A basic knowledge of AfterEffects is a prerequisite. Workshops during the semester will introduce students to more advanced features of the software. This course is open to Design juniors, seniors, and grads. 15 students maximum.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#511
Rank in this department:#17

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 6:30 - 7:50 pm M Lee MM A11 Add course to my schedule
W Lee MM A11

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