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51-121 Design Drawing I

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Drawing is an essential tool that designers use to communicate, develop, and test their ideas. This basic drawing course is designed to introduce students to a variety of drawing approaches related to the design process. Students learn methods of representation, communication, idea generation, and form development. A sequential approach to the understanding of structure, form, space and the effects of light through the use of line ,tone and texture will be stressed. Students will be introduced to a variety of simple drawing media. Drawing in this context is viewed as a means of design thinking, with emphasis placed on the analysis and interpretation of existing man-made and organic forms. Demonstrations and group and individual critiques augment concepts presented in class.

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  Students also scheduled
85-100 Introduction to Intelligence in Hum...
51-101 Design Studio I
51-171 Human Experience in Design
99-101 Computing Skills Workshop
76-101 Interpretation and Argument
51-221 Darkroom I
51-225 Darkroom II
51-271 Design History I
51-122 Design Drawing II
76-301 Internship

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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