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51-221 Darkroom I

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This mini-course is an introduction to black and white photography through the darkroom. In addition to covering technical skills that include film exposure/development and print enlargement, major emphasis is placed on the language of the photographic medium and how it communicates information. Through shooting exercises, darkroom work, oral presentations and critiques, photography is explored as both a medium of personal expression and as a visual language, the understanding of which is indispensable to communication designers who make and work with images. Extensive shooting and darkroom work, library research. Required for communication design majors. 35mm camera necessary; lab fee.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#273
Rank in this department:#5

  Students also scheduled
51-274 Design and Social Change
51-222 Color and Communication
51-202 Intermediate Typography
51-225 Darkroom II
51-422 Visual Interface
51-242 How Things Work: Mechanics and Elec...
51-212 Meaning of Forms: ID Studio II
51-246 Photo Documentation
05-430 Programming Usable Interfaces
82-132 Elementary Chinese II

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A3 8:30 - 11:20 am F Brodsky MM 121 Add course to my schedule
B3 1:30 - 4:20 pm F Brodsky MM 121 Add course to my schedule

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