88-272 Announcements








Prof. H


-272 Pages

Below are announcements for students enrolled in 88-272: Application Design and Development. Students should check back at this page on a regular basis for further announcements.

August 29, 1999: Students should print out instructional material for lab 2 prior to coming to class. It is not necessary to print out or download the start page before lab.

All students now have accounts and space on the IDS1 server. However, to activate this you will need to enter a password for yourself. Because of the way that NT handles accounts, students will need to enter this information on the server machine itself. To facilitate this, Bill Marantz (the IDS server manager) will be available in the P&G lab (in Porter 208, next to Prof. Miller's office) from 2-4pm this Tuesday and 1-3 this Wednesday to help students. This should take only two (maybe three) minutes per student, if that. Students must stop in during one of these times or make special arrangements with Mr. Marantz to have this taken care of this week.

August 23, 1999: Students should print out instructional material for lab 1 prior to coming to class. In addition, it is advisable for students with limited experience in HTML to review some of the sites on the HTML help page.


These pages are relevant for the Fall 1999 semester.
Any questions or problems with these pages should be sent to Professor H.

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