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62-337 Studio Lighting

Department:CFA Interdisciplinary
Special permission:Yes
Co-requisites:62-241 , 62-141
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This course provides a working knowledge of studio based lighting techniques. Students will create photographs using artificial light - both ?hot? lights and electronic flash units. Assignments will include table-top/still life and portraiture. Students can use all format cameras to complete assignments, but class instruction will emphasize the use of 4X5 cameras that are available to all studio lighting students. To successfully complete assignments students will be required to purchase paper, film, and 4X5 polaroid. The class may visit off-campus galleries and museums, and will invite photographers for special presentations. Grading is based on attendance, assignment critiques, and the final portfolio. Special Permission only.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#880
Rank in this department:#14

  Students also scheduled
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62-325 View Camera
39-606 Engineering Product Design Projects

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 8:30 - 11:20 am M Perrott MM B3 Add course to my schedule
W Perrott MM B3

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