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79-332 Juvenile Delinquency:Images, Realities and Shaping of Public Policy, 1800-1960

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This course will examine juvenile delinquency in historical, sociocultural, and policy contexts during the past two centuries, and will focus mainly on the United States. Three themes will be emphasized: 1) changing legislative, judicial, correctional, and therapeutic attempts to define, punish, and rehabilitate "delinquent" youth; 2) behavior patterns of youths labeled "delinquent," and how their behaviors changed over time; and 3), images of "delinquents" as portrayed in film, social science scholarship, government reports, and newspapers. The course will be run in a discussion format. It will meet three times a week, with a lengthy evening session devoted mainly to viewing and discussing films from the 1930s to 1960 (e.g., "Angels with Dirty Faces," "Blackboard Jungle"). Readings will be drawn from historical, sociological, psychological, literary, and journalistic accounts of juvenile delinquency.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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