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79-243 A History of American Urban Life

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This course examines the development of urban America during the 19th and 20th centuries. It explores the evolution of urban structure, the development and impact of urban technologies (transportation, water/wastewater, energy and communications),ethnic and racial change and conflict in the city, and political and policy issues. It discusses alterations in American city structure and form through the walking city, the networked city, and the development of the outer or edge city.

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  Students also scheduled
79-223 Protest and Dissent in American His...
80-321 Causation and Social Policy
60-210 Electronic Media Studio II
60-201 Concept Studio III
79-332 Juvenile Delinquency:Images, Realit...
80-291 Issue in Multimedia Authoring
82-171 Elementary Japanese I
24-261 Statics
24-221 Thermodynamics I
21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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