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27-432 Electrical, Magnetic, Optical Properties of Materials

Department:Materials Science and Eng.
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Students will develop a basic understanding of the electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of materials using the principles of modern solid-state physics. The course will include such topics as electrical conduction in metals and alloys, ionic conduction in ceramics, optical properties of pure and doped semiconductors, and magnetic recording media. Wherever possible, examples will emphasize applications involving materials, which were selected, designed, or processed to accentuate a particularly interesting electrical, optical, or magnetic property.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#393
Rank in this department:#4

  Students also scheduled
82-172 Elementary Japanese II
18-220 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineer...
18-202 Mathematical Foundations of Electri...
27-216 Transport in Materials
27-323 Processing of Ceramic Materials
27-217 Phase Relations and Diagrams
57-101 Introduction to Music Technology
69-158 Beginning/Intermediate Yoga
42-510 Introduction to Biomaterials I
57-337 Sound Recording

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:00 - 4:20 pm T Davis PH A21 Add course to my schedule
R Davis PH A21

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