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27-323 Processing of Ceramic Materials

Department:Materials Science and Eng.
Prerequisites:27-100 and 27-202 and 27-215 and 27-216
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This course addresses the methods used in, and the principles that underlie, powder processing of metals and ceramics. Aspects of powder processing will be discussed in relation to the use of materials in engineering applications. The relationship between processing methods and materials performance in select applications will be discussed using specific materials examples including metals and ceramics. The course is broken down into three main parts: (1) understanding, selecting, and controlling powder characteristics; (2) powder handling, compaction, and forming techniques; and (3) drying, burnout, densification, sintering, and grain growth in powder compacts. Topics include chemical thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, surfaces, colloids, dispersions, process engineering, powder handling, powder compaction, shape forming, densification, and sintering. Recommended pre-, or co-requisite: Thermodynamics (27-215), Transport & Kinetics (27-321).

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#472
Rank in this department:#5

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:00 - 10:20 am T Salvador PH 125B Add course to my schedule
R Salvador PH 125B

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