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19-601 Information Warfare

Department:Eng. & Public Policy
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Information security is one major concern raised by the increasing use of computers in networks. In this course we first review, in some technical detail, the nature of the "threats". These include viruses and worms (their history and how they "evolved"), backdoor exploits, Trojan horses, buffer overflows, and the extent to which they imperil the information in computers. Then we discuss the use and limitations of firewalls in protecting computer networks. We also discuss intrusion detection and the problems associated with it. We review past and present cyberattacks, like Denial of Service attacks, viruses such as Melissa and I love you, and assess their implications. We analyze the origin of computer vulnerabilities which make those attacks possible and discuss the extent to which they could be reduced. Finally, we analyze the response to this situation at the national, security and international level.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#345
Rank in this department:#2

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am T Morel BH A51 Add course to my schedule
R Morel BH A51

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