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15-397 Special Topic: Web Application Development

Department:Computer Science
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This course will introduce concepts in programming web application servers. We will study of the fundamental architectural elements of programming web sites that produce content dynamically. The primary technology introduced will be Java Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs), but we will also cover the related topics as necessary so that students may build significant applications. Such topics include: HTTP, HTML, XML, JavaBeans, Relational Databases (SQL/JDBC/SQLJ), Security (SSL), Web Services (SOAP/WSDL/UDDI), and Active Server Pages (ASP/ASP.NET). Several tools and software packages will be demonstrated. Students will be required to create and demonstrate their own web applications. They may use the software demonstrated in class or similar software packages with permission of the professor. Grading will be based on these student projects. Notes: Students are required to provide their own computer hardware for this course. Student hardware must run one of the following operating systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP, MAC OS X, Red Hat Linux (Intel). Student hardware must have at least 256 MB of memory. Student hardware must have at least 1 GB of *free* disk to devote to this course.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#110
Rank in this department:#15

  Students also scheduled
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21-257 Models and Methods for Optimization
21-420 Continuous-Time Finance

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:00 - 4:20 pm T Eppinger DH 1212 Add course to my schedule
R Eppinger DH 1212

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