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17-619 Introduction to Real-Time Software and Systems

Department:Software Engineering
Special permission:Yes

The primary purpose of this course is to present an overview of real-time computing. Basic concepts, terminology, and problems of real-time computing are introduced. The constraints of real-time computing are used to contrast real-time applications from applications that are not real-time. The course focuses on software solutions to real-time problems. Issues that are addressed include scheduling, specification of system requirements and design, real-time software architectures, languages and operating systems for real-time computing, real-time problems in a distributed processing system, and hardware-software interfaces. After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to identify and propose solutions to basic problems in real-time computing. It is the goal of this course to motivate and prepare the student to pursue a more in-depth study of specific problems in real-time computing. REQUIREMENT: Proficiency in one high-level programming language used to develop real-time software (e.g. C, C++, or Ada). Knowledge of basic operating systems concepts generally taught in an undergraduate operating systems course.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1043
Rank in this department:#10

  Students also scheduled
95-718 Professional Speaking
95-733 Internet Technologies
95-711 Financial Analysis
19-601 Information Warfare
95-760 Decision Making Under Uncertainty
95-706 Object Oriented Software A&D
95-705 Telecommunications Management
95-808 IT Project Management
95-790 Negotiation
95-909 Independent Study

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am M Wettergreen NSH 3002 Add course to my schedule
W Wettergreen NSH 3002

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