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51-327 Web Design

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Rapid developments in new imaging techniques render our environments more and more visual. We consume images every day, but spend little time analyzing their precise content, context, or meaning. This course focuses on how moving images and kinetic imaging techniques convey explicit, implicit, and often inadvertent meanings. Students explore the perceptual workings, psychological impact, cultural conventions, and the use and abuse of visual media. In addition to developing analytical skills, assignments (with video option) challenge and inspire the making of creative and effective image sequences.

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  Students also scheduled
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57-347 Electronic and Computer Music
80-300 Minds Machines, and Knowledge
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51-406 Senior Project: Communication Desig...
51-358 Journal Design
51-320 Issues of Information Design
51-318 From Marks to Trademarks

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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