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48-137 Architectural Drawing II: Appearance

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Architectural Drawing II, Understanding Appearance, is a studio course that builds upon the free-hand drawing experience within 48-130 (or 48-132) Architectural Drawing I. It is aimed at building students' knowledge of the appearance and representation of architecture in light. Coursework includes free-hand and constructed perspective, shade and shadow construction, chiaroscuro drawing of surface illumination on objects and interiors, and color pastel drawings of interior and exterior conditions. Topics are introduced through lecture demonstrations and in-class exercises with subsequent application to architectural subjects. Work is submitted in three portfolio submissions of approximately five weeks each. Two assignments are jointly submitted for 48-105 Architectural Design. Consistent with the nine units credited to the class, students can expect to spend nine hours per week on in-class and outside of class work. Three hours of out of class work per week is the norm.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1138
Rank in this department:#34

  Students also scheduled
79-207 Development of European Culture
36-201 Statistical Reasoning and Practice
76-378 Community Literacy and Intercultura...
60-357 Picasso & 20th Century Art

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am T Cooper MM 310 Add course to my schedule
9:30 - 10:20 am T Cooper MM 103
R Cooper MM 103
10:30 - 11:50 am R Cooper MM 310

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