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88-759 Globalization

Department:Social & Decision Sci.
Notes:All seats are reserved for graduate students.
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Globalization entails an erosion of the national borders and the expansion of trade and technology. In this course we will aanalyze the political and economic implications of the process of globalization and its impact on Developed and Less Developed Countries. Among the issues discussed will be the increased power of Transnational Corporations and Nongovernmental organizations as well as the power of International Organizations such as the World Bank and the IMF. The course will also focus on the impact of globalization on poverty and wealth across the world.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1144
Rank in this department:#19

  Students also scheduled
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79-264 Islam and Modernity
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90-771 Applied Econometrics II
90-760 Management Science II: Decision Ris...
90-750 Negotiation
90-747 Cost Benefit Analysis
90-722 Management Science I: Optimization ...
90-716 Managing in a Multicultural Society

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 1:30 - 2:50 pm T Borzutzky PH 126A Add course to my schedule
R Borzutzky PH 126A

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