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27-592 Solidification Processing

Department:Materials Science and Eng.
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The goal of this course is to enable the student to solve practical solidification processing problems through the application of solidification theory. The objectives of this course are to: (1) Develop solidification theory so that the student can understand predict solidification structure; (2) Develop a strong understanding of the role of heat transfer in castings; (3) Develop an appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of a variety of casting processes. The first half of the course will be theoretical, covering nucleation, growth, instability, solidification microstructure: cells, dendrites, eutectic and peritectic structures, solute redistribution, inclusion formation and separation, defects and heat transfer problems. The second part of the course will be process oriented and will include conventional and near net shape casting, investment casting, rapid solidification and spray casting where the emphasis will be on process design to avoid defects.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1109
Rank in this department:#12

  Students also scheduled
33-448 Introduction to Solid State Physics
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27-323 Processing of Ceramic Materials

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:00 - 10:50 am T Cramb WEH 4327 Add course to my schedule
R Cramb WEH 4327

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