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91-802 Information Systems for Managers

Department:Public Management
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Required Course for MPM students Computer-based information systems are ubiquitous in today's society, and managers can expect to have frequent contact with them. Skill in using information systems understanding their capabilities and limitations, knowing how to effectively use the information they provide, and facility in specifying new systems and unique applications - is an advantage today and will become a necessity in the future. Databases are central to most organizations' information systems strategies, and will therefore be the focus of this course. We will thoroughly cover the modern relational database model, using a 50-50 mix of lectures and "hands-on" lab work. Throughout the course, we will use the Microsoft Access database package. We start by introducing file-based systems and spreadsheets, and discuss their limitations. Then the relational database is introduced, along with the entity-relationship modeling technique. Standard query methods are covered, as is the process of normalization. A complete design case, from initial interviews to finished product, is presented. Finally, students will complete a small database design and implementation project, working in teams.

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  Students also scheduled
91-801 Data Analysis for Managers
90-718 Professional Speaking
90-717 Professional Writing
90-769 Welfare Policy
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88-222 Policy Analysis III
69-130 Tennis
90-790 State and Local Finance
69-131 Volleyball
90-733 Urban Development

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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