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88-330 Political Economy of Inequality and Redistribution

Department:Social & Decision Sci.
Prerequisites:(21-111 or 21-121 or 21-115 or 21-116) and (73-260 or 36-201 or 36-207 or 36-220 or 36-225 or 36-247 or 70-207)
Notes:Some seats are reserved for SDS students.
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Societies use welfare policies, social insurance, public employment, private charity, and of course, private labor markets to distribute the economic resources that they produce. The mixture of these programs varies tremendously across countries and over time. We will investigate the causes and consequences of the rich variety of strategies that have been used in industrialized democracies to address the problems of economic inequality and poverty. We will also investigate important economic challenges and debates in these countries. For example, we will study recent welfare reforms and tax cuts in the United States as well as current debates over the future of social security. We will also study the possible effects of globalization on domestic well-being and social policy. Throughout the course we will ask how political values and institutions might affect the choices made concerning these issues and challenges.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#785
Rank in this department:#14

  Students also scheduled
88-324 Electoral Systems and Processes
88-251 Empirical Research Methods
88-221 Policy Analysis II
88-120 Reason, Passion and Cognition
32-302 Navigation and Naval Operations II
85-261 Abnormal Psychology
70-208 Regression Analysis
88-223 Decision Analysis and Decision Supp...
32-100 Naval Laboratory
79-104 Introduction to World History

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am T Fong TBD TBD Add course to my schedule

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