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15-451 Algorithm Design and Analysis

Department:Computer Science
Prerequisites:15-212 and (15-351 or 15-354 or 15-355 or 21-301 or 21-373 or 21-484)
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This course is about the design and analysis of algorithms. We study specific algorithms for a variety of problems, as well as general design and analysis techniques. Specific topics include searching, sorting, algorithms for graph problems, efficient data structures, lower bounds and NP-completeness. A variety of other topics may be covered at the discretion of the instructor. These include parallel algorithms, randomized algorithms, geometric algorithms, low level techniques for efficient programming, cryptography, and cryptographic protocols.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#50
Rank in this department:#9

  Students also scheduled
15-462 Computer Graphics
82-131 Elementary Chinese I
15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems
33-112 Physics II for Science Students
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15-415 Database Applications
15-394 Special Topic: Privacy and Anonymit...
15-384 Robotic Manipulation
15-441 Computer Networks
73-100 Principles of Economics

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
1 12:00 - 1:20 pm T Miller, Blelloch HH B103 Add course to my schedule
R Miller, Blelloch HH B103
A 11:30 am - 12:20 pm W Instructor TBA PH 226B Add course to my schedule
B 1:30 - 2:20 pm W Instructor TBA PH 226B Add course to my schedule

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