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57-336 Instrumental/Choral Conducting

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This course is a continuation of Introduction to Conducting. The course offers a more detailed conducting technique, adding those subjects related to choral conducting. This is followed by the study and the analysis of interpretation from the point of view of the conductor and ends stressing a set of important practical items, including the psychological attitude and the leadership a conductor must develop as well as the organization and achievement of a fruitful rehearsal technique. The students work periodically with a pianist, a soloist or a chamber ensemble on traditional works and on their own compositions in the case of composition majors.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1252
Rank in this department:#90

  Students also scheduled
57-418 Major Instrumental Ensemble
57-392 Keyboard Studies
57-363 String Methods
57-362 Woodwind Methods
57-358 Career Strategies for Musicians I
57-225 Contemporary Ensemble
57-100 Convocation

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:20 am T Colwell, Douglas CFA M157 Add course to my schedule
R Colwell, Douglas CFA M157
B 11:30 am - 12:20 pm T Colwell, Douglas CFA M157 Add course to my schedule
R Colwell, Douglas CFA M157

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