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57-332 Introduction to Conducting

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This course develops the basic skills needed to conduct instrumental ensembles or a small orchestra. It is primarily focused on conducting technique, body language and body coordination and communication. It also deals with learning and translating an instrumental or orchestral score into actual music. The goal is to achieve a clear and communicative technique upon which an artistic interpretation can be built. The student works periodically with a pianist or a small chamber ensemble.

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  Students also scheduled
54-177 Text to Stage
03-231 Biochemistry I
62-102 Modern Dance Workshop
57-117 Choral Ensemble for Non-Majors
54-113 Non-Major Dance
03-121 Modern Biology
82-426 Studies in German Literature
76-270 Writing for the Professions
82-280 Learning About Language Learning
57-501 Major Studio (Piano)

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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