Research Synthesis Design Solution



01 Research Findings

After each phase of our process, we reviewed our project goals and modified the user needs. Implementing the feedback helped to narrow our focus, simplify our user scenario, specify the level of personalization and refined our end project.

User Research
The existing services we looked at (including magazines, reviewing and bricks and mortar observation) showed us the importance of user experience.

Competitive Analysis
The major take-away from this stage of research was that there are existing services out there to help a person buy wine, but not for the user (persona) we created. In the end, we wanted to create a service for a restaurant owner/chef so that they may perform the role of a Virtual Sommelier, able to shop for wine by factoring in the suggestions from a wanted audience. Forming a virtual wine community that was personalized to our persona's tastes.

Directed Storytelling/Bricks and Mortar Observations
This was the most informative stage of our research, helping us to create our persona, Brian. In doing so, we confronted the following challenges:

  • Additional pressures of running a successful business
  • customer preference
  • competition
  • trust & privacy
  • branding
  • community trends
  • larger quantity
  • Inventory management
  • distributor

Personalization Synthesis

  • VINO provides our user the right information
  • VINO presents all the informationa restaurant owner/chef needs to know to handle complex wine Inventory management
  • VINO’s wine critic community allows users to obtain trusted, multiple perspectives on different
  • Improved emotional experience
  • Using VINO, users can dynamically broaden their knowledge of wine and build confidence
  • VINO makes the mundane task of purchasing and staff training easier without sacrificing users’


IID 2007 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University