Uses of Class

Packages that use Packet

Uses of Packet in dist1.acb.ACBpoint.transport

Subclasses of Packet in dist1.acb.ACBpoint.transport
 class RequestStartDownload
          Request that it is sent by the downloading peer to begin downloading file 'fileName'
 class ResponseFile
          The Response that it carring the file.
 class ResponseFileSegment
          Response which contains part of a file and the ID of the part

Uses of Packet in dist1.acb.CBL.concretePackets

Subclasses of Packet in dist1.acb.CBL.concretePackets
 class RequestDeleteOldUsers
 class RequestExecuteHotJoin
          Request for executing last stage of the HotJoin protocol
 class RequestExecuteUpdate
          RequestExecuteUpdate - goes from a Backup to the Primary
 class RequestForHotJoin
          Request for 'hot join' to the Primary (to the ControlSocket) ('HotJoin' means without transfer the whole of database)
 class RequestGetReplicas
          Request for pack of Replicas.
 class RequestInitCBLTable
          Request for initializing table CBL by setting all states = 0 and updating/inserting record about primary
 class RequestInsertLog
 class RequestJoin
          Request for joining the PB-Group
 class RequestReplicasToPrimary
 class RequestTest
 class RequestUpdateUser
 class ResponseHotJoinInfo
          Response for request about a hot join
 class ResponseJoinInfo
          Response for joining the PB-Group
 class ResponseReplicas

Uses of Packet in dist1.acb.common.transport

Subclasses of Packet in dist1.acb.common.transport
 class Request
          A Request
 class RequestUpdate
          The base abstract class for any request which changes the system state
 class RequestWithStringMessage
          Request with implemented StringMessage interface
 class Response
          A response
 class ResponseError
 class ResponseWithStringMessage
          Response with implemented StringMessage interface

Uses of Packet in dist1.acb.common.transport.concretePackets

Subclasses of Packet in dist1.acb.common.transport.concretePackets
 class RequestBeginSellTransaction
 class RequestCloseSession
          Request for closing the session
 class RequestEndSellTransaction
 class RequestGetBalance
          Peer asks the primary for the balance
 class RequestGetCashFlows
          Request sent to primary for retreiving the Cash flows of a peer
 class RequestGetCBLsInfo
          Request to retrieve the CBL table from the primary + other info
 class RequestGetEnvironment
          RequestGetEnvironment (A new server sends in order to undersnand where it is and then to join group)
 class RequestGetLog
 class RequestGetLogFile
          Request sent directly to CBL to admin port, to retreive the log file
 class RequestGetPeersLocation
          Request that conatins Owner's name which is sent to the primary in order the peer to receive are these peers(owners) are alive, connected to ACB, and if they are, then the primary sends their new IP/port
 class RequestGetServersList
 class RequestGetTopics
          Request that is sent to the Primary in order the peer to receive the Topics
 class RequestLogin
          Request for a login (second phase: signature)
 class RequestLoginComminment
          Sending commitment - first phase of a login
 class RequestMoneyFromAccount
          The peer wants to transfer money from the ACB system to his/her bank
 class RequestMoneyToAccount
          Request to add credit to the user's account
 class RequestRegister
 class RequestRejoin
          Request sent to the Admin port of CBL in order to Rejoin itself
 class RequestRemoveCBL
          Request sent directly to primary to remove a CBL
 class RequestRemoveFiles
          Request sent to primary to remove files from sharing
 class RequestSearch
          Contains results of a searching
 class RequestServersList
          Request sent to the Primary in order to retrieve available CBL servers
 class RequestShare
          Send an updated request to the
 class RequestShutdownApplication
          Request for shutdowning
 class RequestUpdateCBL
 class ResponseAnError
          Response a error
 class ResponseBalance
          Primary answers the peer for his balance
 class ResponseCashFlows
 class ResponseCBLsInfo
          Contains all the CBL table + number of users connected to each cbl
 class ResponseCloseSession
 class ResponseEnvironment
 class ResponseFileIds
          After update, the primary sends to the peer the assigned File Ids
 class ResponseKey
 class ResponseLog
 class ResponseLogFile
          Response that contains the log file of the CBL
 class ResponseLoginChallenge
          Response challenge during login
 class ResponseLoginOk
 class ResponseOk
 class ResponsePeersLocation
          Response that contains which peers are alive, and contains their
 class ResponseRegisterId
          Response which contains the corresponding id for a billing transaction
 class ResponseSearch
          Contains results from a Search operation
 class ResponseServersList
 class ResponseTopics
          Response package containing currently available topics in the ACB system

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