Package dist1.acb.common.transport

Interface Summary
StringMessage StringMessage

Class Summary
AbstractClientSocket Abstract class for threaded model of client socket.
AbstractClientSocket.SocketAndStreams Container for three objects: Socket, ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream
AbstractConnectionServer Abstract class for threaded model of socket server.
AbstractPersonalManager Abstract class for threaded model of socket server.
FlowRateInputStream Stream which measures flow rate.
Id Id for requests and corresponded responses
InetAddressHelper Provides some function for manipulating InetAddress
ObjectReaderWriter Creates abstraction of method for object's reading/writing
ObjectStreamFactory Object Stream Factory
Packet A packet - base class for all transfered messages
Request A Request
RequestUpdate The base abstract class for any request which changes the system state
RequestWithStringMessage Request with implemented StringMessage interface
Response A response
ResponseError ResponseError
ResponseWithStringMessage Response with implemented StringMessage interface
SocketFactories The main purpose is to create abstraction for creating sockets for different types of objcets.

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