Yokohama National University


              CAD/CAE/CAM                    Summer 08

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7/22 Tue - 8/1 Fri  (9 days) ,  9:00-12:00

 Course Goals   

This course covers the theory and practice of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE). To increase productivity, traditional drawing-and-calculator-based methods are being replaced by computational engineering tools including drawing software, solid modelers, finite element analysis software, mathematical packages, kinematics simulators, dynamic simulators, etc. The students will learn how information technologies are rapidly changing the way engineering design, analysis and manufacturing are practiced in industry. 

Teaching Staff    

Kenji Shimada (Instructor)
     Mechanical Eng. (Robotics, Biomedical Eng. and Civil Eng.)
     Carnegie Mellon University

     Phone: 0905-971-7541
     Email: shimada @

Erick Johnson (Teaching Assistant)
    Phone: 080-3486-7095
    Email: eljohnso @
Ved Vyas (Teaching Assistant)
    Phone: 080-3486-7095
    Email: ved @

Email Lists    

To send a message to all the teaching staff
(use this when you ask a technical question):
To send a message to all the students
(this is mainly for teaching staff use only)


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Send email to Professor Kenji Shimada ( shimada @
with questions or comments about this web site.