(PWR) Caroling pictures and USAS National Conference

From: mtoups@andrew.cmu.edu
Date: Sat Dec 21 2002 - 06:29:11 EST

hey yall, hope break is going well.

I put the pictures from the living wage caroling
demo on pittsburgh indymedia with some text, check it out:


If you have anything to add, you can do it on the site.
We look pretty good.

Speaking of looking good, USAS is dying to get people
from PWR to their conference in LA at the end of January.
It is a three day weekend kind of deal, and they're going
to have great speakers, workshops, music, etc. They're
even offering to help us out with travel expenses, etc.
If you're even slightly interested drop me an email and
I'll get you in touch with the right people.

We were talking about using the bboard (assocs.pwr-usas)
to talk strategy for living wage stuff next semester,
if you aren't already subscribed check it out.
Also, I'm looking for people to volunteer to lead
meetings next semester, and Jai is still working on
putting together a benefit show for next March.
stay in touch with us.


ps - pitt living wage put out a new newsletter, check
it out: http://www.pitt.edu/~leftists/LWN22.pdf

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 11:00:03 -0500
From: Benjamin McKean <ben@usasnet.org>
Subject: [newera_usas] 5.5th Annual USAS National Conference! PLUS host the
    NEXT USAS Affiliate Gathering!

Hey all,
Two things in this e-mail
1) PLEASE register now for the National USAS Conference. It will be
excellent. And we can pay for you to go. Why exactly would you NOT register?
2) Consider hosting the *next* national USAS meeting: this summer's coming
Affiliates Gathering, where we strategize for the coming school year.

thanks very much,
ps i wouldn't be cross-posting so much if you registered for the conference.
well, probably wouldn't be. apologies, as always.

Global to Local
Making Connections in the Student/Labor Movement
United Students Against Sweatshops is a national organization of students
and community members, functioning as a network and a resource for student
labor activists around the country. We are part of a movement that supports
the struggles of working peoples at home and abroad, in factories, in
fields, and on our own campuses.

January 31 - February 2 University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Join us this winter for a three-day-long conference devoted to education,
action, and inspiration. We'll be learning about, strategizing around, and
building power to...
Stop sweatshops in our schools with the WRC.
Win living wages and good contracts on our campuses and in our communities.
Support the farmworker movement and fight for immigrant rights.
Stop the FTAA, IMF, and WTO
The conference will also feature workshops, speakers, and panelists from
across the labor and social justice movements, tons of other amazing
students, and some surprise musical guests (it is LA after all...)
So register now! <http://usasnet.org/conference/register.html> Travel and
housing scholarships are available. <http://usasnet.org/conference/>

We are encouraging people to arrive Thursday night, as the conference starts
bright and early Friday morning!
By Plane...
Please feel free to book through USAS' travel agent, Leslie, at Universal
Travel Services, (202) 667-3202, but keep in mind you'll need your own
credit card, unless you've been granted a scholarship. She will be able to
book you through United Airlines with travel discount package. If you want
to book your tickets yourself and want a USAS discount, book through United
Airlines and call 1-800-521-4041, and tell them your Meeting ID number,
which is 516BA. For every 40 people that book through this package we get a
free ticket, which will come back to benefit you.
By Bus...
Check out www.greyhound.com for information about getting to Los Angeles by
By Car...
www.mapquest.com for directions to the University of Southern California in
Los Angeles, CA. You can also get directions at the USC website
(www.usc.edu). If you plan on traveling by car and have extra room, please
let us know! Someone from your area might need a ride and could help out
with gas money too. If you have extra seats or are in need of a ride, check
out our RIDEBOARD! <http://www.usasnet.org/nesas/rideboard>

Housing for the conference
Housing for the USAS conference is included in the registration fee, and
will be assigned to you when you arrive on Thursday night or Friday morning.
We will be staying at the Vagabond Inn, which is very near to the University
of Southern California. However, a limited amount of crash housing will be
available for those who cannot afford the registration fee, on a first
come-first serve basis. If you are interested in crash housing, please
register as soon as possible! If you do get crash housing, you will need to
bring your sleeping bag and a pillow. In addition, no one will be turned
away for financial reasons, so check out our scholarships
<http://usasnet.org/conference/scholarships.html>] section so you can get to
the conference!

Agenda for the Conference
note: this agenda is still in the works. Check back here
Introductions, movies, tours around Los Angeles..
9-10 Registration
10: Welcome to the USAS national conference!!!!!
10:30-11:30: USAS 101: Hear from USASers old and new about who we are and
what we do!
11:30-1: Workshop Block #1
1-2: Lunch: Meet Someone New!!
2-3: Caucus #1
3-4:30: Strategy session #1- Working Globally
4:30-6: Workshop Block #2
6:00 -Panel with Dolores Huerta (tentative) and other Labor Leaders!!!
7:30 Student Victory Dinner and Celebration of all of our campaigns!!
9-10:00 Breakfast with Los Angeles community
10:00-11:00- Los Angeles Community Panel
11-12 Caucus #2
12-1:00: Workshop block #3
1-1:30- Lunch
2-4: ACTION!! In Los Angeles
4 - Strategy session #2- Working Locally
5:30: Caucus #3
6:30: Dinner; Tom Hayden, and the Anti-War Movement with movement leaders
7:30-Culture Sharing
9:30: Concert!!!! (Invited: Ozomatli and Chumbawamba!)
9:00 - 10:00 am Breakfast
10:00 - 11:00- Caucus #4
11-12:30 Regional breakouts
12:30- 1:30 Lunch
1:30- CC elections
2:00 Wrap-up!!
4:00: Closing

Scholarships will be available, before January 10th, to delegations from
schools that are at least 1/4
people of color. For delegations of 5 people or less, a $300 scholarship
will be available. For 10
people or less, a $600 scholarship will be available, for 15 people or less,
a $900 scholarship will
be available, and so on.
Email: organize@usasnet.org <mailto:organize@usasnet.org> answers to the
following questions:

1) What school are you from, and are you a USAS affiliate?
2) Why do you think your delegation qualifies for a scholarship? Have you
been involved with USAS in
the past?
3) Please list the members of your delegation, and their year.
4) What is the composition of your delegation?

Have you been thinking about hosting the USAS national affiliates gathering
on our campus?
If you've been planning it -- or keeping it at the back of your mind -- or
if you never thought of it
but it sounds like a good idea -- now's your chance!

What is the National Affiliates Gathering?
        United Students Against Sweatshops now hosts TWO annual national
gatherings: the upcoming National Conference is a chance to for people new
and old to USAS to meet student activists from across the country and get
together for education, training, and fun. The National Affiliates
Gathering, a smaller meeting held during the summer, is a chance for
representatives from schools affiliated with USAS to meet to plan and
strategize for the coming year.

Why Host the National Affiliates Gathering?
        You'll be in a national spotlight; USASers from all over will be in
solidarity and direct contact with the struggles at your campus and
community; it’s a great opportunity to develop and show leadership, and a
way to re/activate progressive people in your campus. Plus, you will earn
the undying love of student activists everywhere.

OK, Sounds Good. Now What?
        Please let us know by SATURDAY, JANUARY 18th if you want us to consider
your campus for the national affiliates gathering; just write to write to
organize@usasnet.org. If you don't have time to write out an application
then just drop us a line to say you want to be considered; but if possible,
please tell us also:

* When is your campus available (preferred dates: the weekends of Aug. 8 -
9 and Aug 15 - 16)?
* How much meeting space (large and small) is available?
* What's the food and housing situation like?
* How expensive are all of the above?
* Ease of transportation: Closest airports and costs from different cities.
* Number of people available for on-the-ground coordination this summer
* Other activist attractions in the area
* And any other supporting reasons to have it in YOUR town!

the USAS

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
| to unsubscribe go to http://www.cmu.edu/lists

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