
48_400 | Building Integration Studio | F23

R04: Final Review

Last Updated on 2023.12.17 by Slee

Our work will be reviewed in CFA214 from 1330 - 1630, Thursday 14 December 2023. The Damiani Studio will be Thursday morning and the Cochran Hameen studio on Friday morning. Attendance is required both days - one session to present and two sessions to observe and discuss.

As we have remote reviewers (Hayes & Burwell) I will provide a shared laptop for TV or projection. You need to plot your 22 x 34 sheets and pin them up in the space but you need to present via a Miro slideshow for our zoom guests. I will introduce the project in the first 5 minutes of the review.

Minimum Submission Requirements:

I have provided a PDF draft of the sheets that I think are essential to completely document your projects and to address the learning objectives of the semester. Use your discretion to add/ subtract/ combine. The PDFs are here: Slee Layouts from ArchiCAD template

Submission Deadline:

All work must be pinned up by 13:00, Thursday, 14 December 2023. You may perform touch up work on your models and edit your Miro boards between the pin up deadline and your review. Design your presentation as you would for distribution to your client, your consultants and your construction manager.

A Celebration of Your Accomplishments

The purpose of the final review is to to share your work with classmates, faculty and our external reviewers and to bring 14 weeks of design, evaluation, measurement and iteration on a single project to a successful and celebratory conclusion. It is also a moment to reflect on the contributions that architects can bring to lead the world forward in a more positive direction - how do we make our buildings more resilient? how do we design buildings to actively mitigate climate change? how do we envision and program spaces to improve social equity? The list is long, but the design thinking skills you cultivate in architecture school, will make you indispensable to creatively solving the planet's wicked problems.

Minimum Submission Requirements:

The requirements for this review have been developed in collaboration with the BIOS faculty team. My requirements may differ from the other studio sections because of the specifics of our project.

Design your presentation based on 22" x 34" formatted sheets. Your are encouraged to combine the drawings on the list for greater clarity e.g. the relationship of the site design to the ground floor design demonstrating inside-outside relationships.


As a Reminder Your Project Must Address These Issues:



Sustainable: The building must demonstrate high levels of performance.

Incorporate effective passive strategies in the design - load reduction, daylight, natural ventilation, other.Model energy and daylighting performance.
Identify the type of mechanical systems that are suitable to condition the building - heating, cooling, ventilating & lightingCalculate and/or model performance. Use CBECS as benchmark.
Identify the opportunities to generate energy on site - sun, wind, biomass, other.Calculate annual production.
Integrate passive systems with spatial, structural, enclosure & material systems.Diagram building systems integration
Control solar radiation, heat flow, airflow, rain penetration & water vapor flow through the design of the envelope system(s).Design wall sections based on building science (SPAIGR). Model energy and daylighting performance.
Retain all rainwater falling on the site on site. **Diagram systems; Calculate of amount of precipitation to be captured and volume of containment.
Recycle, process and separate solid waste on site. **Diagram systems; Calculate the amount of waste to be captured.
Compost all organic waste on site. **Diagram systems; Calculate the amount of waste to be captured.

Context: The building must respond to the neighborhood context.

Environmental ContextReduce impermeable surface below 50% and increase tree canopy to 40%.
Architectural Context ** Improve neighborhood identity; reinforce neighborhood character; eliminate weak spots.
Social Context **Design building to recognizable as school; public entrance is legible; exterior spaces are "claimed"; building offers natural surveillance; building is not "hardened" architecture

Flexible: The building must be able to support spatial change over time.

The ability to re-arrange/re-configure spaces and F,F & E to accommodate differing lesson plans and changing demographics.Prepare multiple plans showing alternative arrangements & uses

Adaptable: The building must be able to support technological change over time.

The ability to constantly upgrade and accommodate the technological infrastructure of the building (plug-n-play) minimizing disruption, waste and lengthy construction cycles. **Prepare infrastructure system diagrams.
Healthy, Inspiring & Conducive to Effective Learning: The building must demonstrate the ELC Prinicples and Practices
HealthyDemonstrate daylighting, natural ventilation, IEQ, active circulation systems, healthy materials.
InspiringCreate renders to demonstrate experiential attributes of interior & exterior spaces.
Conducive to Effective LearningDemonstrate translation of pedagogy to spatial strategies.

Ecological Literacy: The building itself must be an effective tool for teaching - a living & lived-in laboratory.

The operation of the building must be understandable and accessible to the faculty, staff and students.Demonstrate climate-responsive building envelope; display building systems showing full-cycle design; install monitors showing real-time use/production of energy, water collection, etc; include gardens for learning
Note: This table contains unquestionably important architectural objectives for all buildings, however, the ones marked ** are beyond the scope of a one semester studio.

End of Semester Documentation:

For grading and archival purposes, please submit your final project files as PDFs, model photos as JPGs and slide shows as PPTs or PDFs to: 48400C Files for Reviews by 23:59, Tuesday, 19 December 2022. Best practice would be to zip all your files into one archive and submit that.

The BIOS faculty have collected all of your process work during the course of the semester, so this submission is the documentation that you produced for final review. I encourage you to update drawings based on comments your received during you final crit. This documentation will be the basis of your grade for the final review.

One last thing.

As my last semester teaching fall studio after 42 years, thank you for tolerating my eccentricities and being willing to learn in perhaps a way different from previous studios.