
48_400 | Building Integration Studio | F23

A02: Form Finding/ Concept Generation

Last Updated on 2023.09.04 by slee

The requirements for this review have been developed in collaboration with the BIOS faculty team. My requirements may differ from the other studio sections because of the specifics of our project.

This assignment will be the first of many that we conduct this year in an iterative design process that enables you to continuously refine and develop the work leading to a robust conclusion. With our topic of building integration and a focus on integrating structure, enclosure and MEP it is important to use the appropriate tools and skills to establish your basis for design.

The focus of this assignment is the exploration of structural systems as a form generator. We will follow the nomenclature of Heino Engel in his book, Tragsysteme (Structure Systems), namely the classification of structural systems as 1 - Form Active, 2 - Vector Active, 3 -Section Active and 4 - Surface Active.

We will provide a shared laptop for TV or projection. Please bring your models to the studio and submit your files as PDF's to: 48400C Files for Reviews

Unless Noted Otherwise (U.N.O.) Minimum Submission Requirements @ 1:192 (1/16" = 1'-0"):
