
48_305/640 | Advanced Construction Studio | S20

Pre-Final Review | Remote Edition
12:30 - 17:00 EDT (GMT-4) | Friday, 17 April 2020

Last Updated on 2020.04.11 by Slee

We are adjusting the format and content for the pre-final review to accomodate the reality of the coronavirus pandemic, but have high hopes that we can bring this semester to a successful conclusion. We are allocating 4 hours for each studio with the reviews running in parallel in instructor-hosted zoom video sessions. Your instructor will provide each of you with a password-protected invitation prior to the jury.

The following requirements have been developed by the 3rd year faculty team. Individual instructors may assign more items or work at a different scale.

Submission Deadline:

All pencils (mice) down at 23:59 EDT (GMT-4) on Thursday, 16 April 2020. Please submit your PDF's to: 48305_48640_Visuals_for_2020_Reviews

The purpose of the pre-final review is to create a detailed storyboard of what you anticpate hanging for your final review. If you have not created all the drawings yet, draw a box to scale on the sheet and label it e.g. North Wall SPAIGR. For the final review the focus of your presentation is on the technical documentation of the project.

Since we will not be pinning up 48" x 96" paper plots, please design you presentation as if you were producing a bound set of 30" x 42" drawings for distribution to your client, your consultants and your construction manager. You can use whatever digital workflow you feel most comfortable with, but we recommend placing each drawing "sheet" in a PowerPoint (4:3 aspect ratio) presentation or a multi-page InDesign file with formatted pages and then exporting to PDF. The advantage of PDF for this presentation is that while sharing screens we can zoom in and out for greater clarity.An Example of Formatted Sheets from BCJ for the Frick Environmental Center on Canvas

Minimum Submission Requirements:

Design your presentation based on 30" x 42" formatted sheets. Your are encouraged to combine the drawings on the list for greater clarity e.g. the relationship of the site design to the ground floor design demonstrating inside-outside relationships.