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54-221 Directing II

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THE FUNDAMENTALS OF DIRECTING: This is a Fall-semester course for 2nd-year students of all options introducing the fundamentals of the directors craft: text analysis; the work script with column method & blocking notation; determining the purpose of the writing; the concept of Action & Change (beats & transitions); practical use of the Six Aristotelian Elements of Drama; Genre & Style; the Dramatic Question; Levels in the Creative Process; Visual Vocabulary & Staging Tools including planes, levels, values of stage space, body positions; composition; picturization; emphasis; & movement; entrances & exits; the ground plan. Work includes unscripted exercises, then scripted exercises on an open stage & then within a detailed ground plan. Additional goals: to work in a professional manner; to value preparation, analysis & organization.

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  Students also scheduled
54-281 History of Drama I
54-251 Introduction to Lighting Design
54-231 Design for the Stage
54-279 Production Planning and Organizatio...
54-271 Standard Scenery Construction
54-259 Production Preparation II
54-263 Introduction to Welding Processes
54-261 Production Prep for Non-Majors
54-277 Stage Management I
54-237 Introduction to Scene Painting

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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