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85-421 Language and Thought

Prerequisites:80-150 or 80-180 or 80-181 or 82-382 or 85-108 or 85-211 or 85-213
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This course allows the student to explore ways in which the mind shapes language and language shapes the mind. Why are humans the only species with a full linguistic system? Some of the questions to be explored are: What kinds of mental abilities allow the child to learn language? What are the cognitive abilities needed to support the production and comprehension of sentences in real time? How do these abilities differ between people? Are there universal limits on the ways in which languages differ? Where do these limitations come from cognition in general or the specific language facility? Why is it so hard to learn a second language? Are there important links between language change and cultural change that point to links between language and culture?

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#390
Rank in this department:#14

  Students also scheduled
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82-416 Topics in French and Francophone St...
88-222 Policy Analysis III
85-221 Principles of Child Development
85-445 Memory Phenomena and Memory Mechani...

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am M MacWhinney BH 336B Add course to my schedule
W MacWhinney BH 336B

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