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48-441 Frank Lloyd Wright

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This architectural history seminar investigates the career, context, and legacy of the famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. We will attempt to understand the great variety of work and ideas produced by Wright over seven decades, as well as the context which stimulated and fed off of his designs. The seminar will focus on issues including: 1) Wright's buildings and projects; 2) the concept of organic architecture; 3) the historical and intellectual climate that gave rise to FLW's work; 4) investigations of Wright's progressive clients, innovative use of building materials, changing design theories, invented building systems, radical social & political theories, broad urban experiments, and publishing prowess; 5) the influences Wright had on modern architecture worldwide, especially the tremendous influence he had in America through his own buildings, writings and lectures, as well as some 1200 disciples he trained through his Taliesin Fellowship.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1090
Rank in this department:#28

  Students also scheduled
48-125 Introduction to Digital Media II
48-446 Renaissance & Baroque Architecture
48-135 Architectural Drawing II: Appearanc...
48-105 Architecture Design Studio: Space

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 11:30 am - 12:20 pm M Gutschow CFA 211 Add course to my schedule
W Gutschow CFA 211
F Gutschow CFA 211

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