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76-395 Science Writing

Prerequisites:76-270 or 76-271 or 76-372 or 76-375 or 76-379 or 76-472
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Today, more than ever, there is a need for illuminating science writing. As the world changes at an ever-accelerating pace, it becomes increasingly difficult to remain scientifically literate and technologically current. This science writing course is for students who want to meet that challenge by developing the special skills needed to comprehend important scientific subjects, and then clearly and effectively write about them for mainstream readers. Students will write short, medium and long form science journalism critiqued in a workshop atmosphere. They will develop pieces for a variety of publication styles including newspapers, hard and soft science magazines, as well as general readership publications, including books. Students from all disciplines are welcome to the course. A special knowledge of science is not necessary (though an appreciation for science is). A central goal is to learn how to engagingly communicate science and technology to lay readers without sacrificing the integrity and complexity of the subjects at hand. The course will also investigate the unique challenges of science writing (as opposed to other forms of journalism), the need to recognize emerging trends that can be transformed into interesting topics as well as the skills that keep readers attention. Students will be expected to hone their abilities in research (primary, secondary and other sources), interviewing, organization and concept pitching.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#899
Rank in this department:#53

  Students also scheduled
76-247 Shakespeare: Comedies and Romances
76-265 Survey of Forms: Poetry
80-110 Nature Mathematical Reasoning
21-110 Problem Solving in Recreational Mat...
03-390 Molecular and Cellular Immunology
76-239 Introduction to Film Studies
03-240 Cell Biology
76-353 Advanced Gender Studies
76-377 Rhetoric of Fiction
76-236 19th Century British Literature

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:00 - 4:20 pm T Walter BH 231B Add course to my schedule
R Walter BH 231B

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