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82-391 Advanced Russian I

Department:Modern Languages
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This course seeks to enhance listening-comprehension skills while perfecting the linguistic and stylistic practices of advanced students. Intensive study is made of varied literary, journalistic and colloquial texts in audio-visual and print media. Focus is on rapid vocabulary expansion as well as correction of high frequency syntax errors that persist beyond the intermediate level. Practice in the Language Learning Resource Center, additional to three class hours per week, is mandatory for the evolution of aural/oral fluency. Written compositions and translations, assigned for homework, are required for the development of grammatical accuracy and stylistic appropriateness. All class discussions are conducted in Russian. Prerequisite: 82-292 or approved equivalent

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1143
Rank in this department:#52

  Students also scheduled
85-102 Introduction to Psychology
21-123 Calculus of Approximation
09-105 Introduction to Modern Chemistry I
33-111 Physics I for Science Students
82-241 Intermediate Spanish I

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:30 - 4:20 pm M Castellano PH A19C Add course to my schedule
T Castellano PH A19C
R Castellano PH A19C

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