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33-775 Introduction to Research 1

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Both semesters are designed to give the student opportunity to gain experience in modern experimental techniques either through participation in research laboratories or through formal instruction, depending on the student's background. In the first semester, the student will also learn of the research of the department through lectures by the faculty on their work. All students are required to take the first semester, but those with post-graduate or unusual laboratory experience may not be required to take the second. However, it should be noted that for the M.S. degree, 12 units of laboratory are required.

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  Students also scheduled
33-112 Physics II for Science Students
33-761 Classical Electrodynamics I
33-759 Introduction to Mathematical Physic...
33-755 Quantum Mechanics I
33-794 Colloquium

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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