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82-335 Readings in Chinese

Department:Modern Languages
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This is an upper-level Chinese reading course for students who have reached intermediate level of Chinese. It aims at helping students further develop and refine their Chinese reading and writing skills. Its major goal is to train students the ability to read in Chinese with fluency and proficiency within a format of rich cultural content. Readings will include traditional fables, mini-stories and articles on the lifestyle and social changes in modern China. While class discussion will be the major form of class activities, students are also expected to enhance their vocabulary building and improve their sense of Chinese language through extensive reading and writing assignments. Prerequisite: 82-232 or approved equivalent.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#940
Rank in this department:#47

  Students also scheduled
21-300 Basic Logic
21-355 Principles of Real Analysis I
15-411 Compiler Design
80-180 The Nature of Language
80-181 Language and Thought
73-100 Principles of Economics
82-172 Elementary Japanese II
82-334 Structure of Chinese
79-225 Religions of China
79-201 Introduction to Anthropology

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am T Yao BH 231A Add course to my schedule
R Yao BH 231A

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