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21-292 Operations Research I

Department:Mathematical Sciences
Prerequisites:(21-118 or 21-122 or 21-132) and (21-241 or 21-341)
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Operations research offers a scientific approach to decision making, most commonly involving the allocation of scarce resources. This course develops some of the fundamental methods used. Linear programming: the simplex method and its linear algebra foundations, duality, post-optimality and sensitivity analysis; the transportation problem; the critical path method; non-linear programming methods. 3 hrs. lec., 1 hr. rec.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#221
Rank in this department:#24

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
1 1:30 - 2:20 pm M Ta'Asan WEH 5403 Add course to my schedule
W Ta'Asan WEH 5403
F Ta'Asan WEH 5403
A 12:30 - 1:20 pm T Instructor TBA WEH 8427 Add course to my schedule
B 1:30 - 2:20 pm T Instructor TBA DH 1217 Add course to my schedule

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