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57-227 Jazz Ensemble

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These are Jazz Ensembles (Section A and Section B) which incorporate a comprehensive approach to Big Band performance and study. Both ensembles perform four to six times a year as part of the School of Music's regular concert series, as well as at University and off-campus events. The music for both bands is drawn from all eras of Big Band repertoire with occasional projects in a specific genre. The Jazz Ensembles are carefully coordinated with the Jazz Performance Minor program, the Jazz Vocal Ensemble, and the other major ensembles in order to challenge and prepare students for professional music careers. Admission to both jazz ensembles is by competitive audition and placement is determined by the director. Grading is based on attendance, preparation, and consistent progress.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#376
Rank in this department:#12

  Students also scheduled
24-101 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineer...
21-123 Calculus of Approximation
33-104 Experimental Physics
33-112 Physics II for Science Students
24-231 Fluid Mechanics
24-262 Stress Analysis
57-328 Jazz Chamber Music
73-100 Principles of Economics
15-453 Formal Languages and Automata
15-441 Computer Networks

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 6:30 - 7:50 pm M Pellow MM 119 Add course to my schedule
W Pellow MM 119
B 4:30 - 5:50 pm M Pellow MM 119 Add course to my schedule
W Pellow MM 119

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