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90-650 Introduction to Health Care

Department:Public Policy & Mng.
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Prerequisites: None This course is intended for students who have not had any professional work experience in a health care organization or who have not taken any courses related to health care. This course is designed to establish a common background of information among all of the students enrolled in the Health Care Policy and Management program. Content will include a brief history of the health care industry, the forces that are shaping health care, the present state of health care and some possible scenarios that the future holds for health care. The course will include library research, class presentations and field trips. Please note that this course is taught in conjunction with the Mellon College of Science. The class composition is predominantly undergraduate (sophomore-senior) pre-med students. The class runs from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., although the Professor reserves the right to alter the time to accommodate field trips and guest speakers.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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