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82-203 Intermediate French I Online

Department:Modern Languages
Prerequisites:82-102 or 82-104
Related URLs:

An integrated approach to the study of the French language and culture by means of grammar review, literary and cultural readings and analysis, and intensive practice in written and spoken French. This course explores definitions of culture and analyzes the dynamic role of language in culture and culture in language, with an aim to foster cross-cultural awareness and self-realization while developing proficiency in French. This course is a parallel offering designed for students who need a more flexible approach to language learning than that offered in a standard classroom course. All materials are Web-based, with extensive use of Internet technologies for research, writing and communication. There is a required weekly class meeting for training and for group activities, plus individual weekly meetings with a tutor or the instructor for conversation and practice. See for a more detailed description of requirements and class structure before enrolling. Prerequisite: 82-102, 82-104, or permission of the Instructor. Students new to French study at Carnegie Mellon must take the placement exam. Instructions for the placement exam are in BH 160.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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