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70-418 Financing Entrepreneurship Ventures

Department:Business Administration
Prerequisites:70-414 or 70-415
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This course follows the entrepreneur throughout the money-raising processfrom idea generation through receiving and analyzing a term sheet. The course is focused on four segments: determining how much capital to raise, identifying sources of capital, convincing an investor to write a check, and determining whether a deal is good or not. Guest entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and other professionals are invited to class to discuss their perspectives on each stage of fundraising. This course emphasizes the financial component of the business plan and provides the student with the skills and tools required to build an effective financial operating model. Prerequisites 70-414 or 70-415 (or equivalent in MCS, SCS, or CIT)

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#561
Rank in this department:#30

  Students also scheduled
70-416 New Venture Creation
70-401 Management Game
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70-481 Marketing Research I
70-381 Marketing I
73-428 Markets for Energy
70-332 Business, Society and Ethics
73-365 Industrial Organization

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 6:30 - 9:20 pm R Hannah BH 237B Add course to my schedule

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