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95-797 Data Warehouse

Department:Information Systems Mng.
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Prerequisites: 95-703 Database Management This course will introduce you to the major activities involved in a data warehousing project. We'll begin by learning what data warehousing is and how it differs from other database systems. We'll move into creating a database model that is specifically optimized for data warehousing. From there, we'll look at what is involved in moving data from a source database into a warehouse. We'll then learn about the different tools an end user can use to access the data in a warehouse and spend one class as a hands-on lab with one such tool. We'll discuss organizational and management issues to be considered when approaching a data warehouse project and we'll look at the common applications in which warehousing is being used today. Finally, we'll take a specific look at the kinds of support the Oracle DBMS provides for data warehousing. Please note that students who take this course must have a laptop with Personal Oracle 8i and Oracle Discoverer installed on it.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#529
Rank in this department:#26

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95-803 Information Warfare

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A4 5:30 - 8:20 pm T Smith HBH 1003 Add course to my schedule

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