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42-735 Physiology

Department:Biomedical Engineering
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This course is an introduction to human physiology and includes units on all major organ systems. Particular emphasis is given to the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory, and endocrine systems. Modules on molecular physiology tissue engineering and physiological modeling are also included. Due to the close interrelationship between structure and function in biological systems. each functional topic will be introduced through a brief exploration of anatomical structure. Basic physical laws and principles will be explored as they relate to physiologic function. If taken at the graduate level, additional work is assigned by the instructor. Prequisite: 03-121 Modern Biology, or 03-231/03-232 Biochemistry, or permission of instructor.

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  Students also scheduled
18-523 Analog Integrated Circuit Design
18-414 Introduction to MEMS

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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