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06-262 Mathematical Methods of Chemical Engineering

Department:Chemical Engineering
Prerequisites:06-221 and 21-122
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Mathematical techniques are presented as tools for modeling and solving engineering problems. Modeling of steady-state mass and energy balance problems using linear and matrix algebra, including Gaussian elimination, decomposition, and iterative techniques. Modeling of unsteady-state engineering problems using linear and nonlinear differential equations. Analytical techniques, including Laplace transforms, and numerical techniques for the solution of first-and higher-order differential equations and systems of differential equations arising in engineering models. Finally, the modeling of processes affected by chance and subject to experimental error; statistical and regression techniques within the context of experimental design and analysis of experimental data.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#218
Rank in this department:#2

  Students also scheduled
09-221 Laboratory I: Introduction to Chemi...
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21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions
79-104 Introduction to World History
82-132 Elementary Chinese II
73-251 Economic Theory
32-400 Naval Laboratory
32-202 Naval Ships Systems I

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 8:30 - 10:20 am T Jhon DH 1112 Add course to my schedule
R Jhon DH 1112

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