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18-316 Introduction to Data Storage Systems Technology

Department:Electrical & Comp. Eng.
Prerequisites:18-220 and 33-107
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This course teaches the fundamentals of magnetic and optical recording technology as used in data storage systems, audio and video recording. It begins with a treatment of systems considerations, including data rate, storage capacity, and formats of various tape and disk systems. It then moves on to treat the details of the writing and readback processes including descriptions of the heads and media. The concepts in magnetic materials and electromagnetics required to understand these devices are also covered. Lectures and problem sets are supplemented by six laboratories in which students record, readback, analyze actual signals, and operate magnetic and magnetoresistive devices. 3.0 hrs. lec., 3.0 hrs. lab (meets six times).

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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