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76-780 Research for Writers: Finding Information & Studying Your Audience

Units:9, 12
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Conducting research is crucial to the creation and evaluation of communicative artifacts; good research ensures that communication professionals make appropriate decisions when writing or designing, and that they can justify those decisions with data. In this course, students are introduced to a variety of research methods used by communication professionals to create and evaluate artifacts appropriate for the intended user groups. Methods discussed, explored, and performed by students may include: conducting a random sample; questionnaires; surveys; focus groups; user interviewing; comprehension tests; testing documents through think-aloud protocols; task, job, and workflow analysis; scales and measures; business inquiry; organizational assessment; competitive analysis; reporting and interviewing; locating and evaluating public records; locating and evaluating empirical research. The course will instruct students on choosing the right research method for the communicative task at hand, and how to report their results. Classroom formats will include lectures, discussions, and in-class presentations.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1073
Rank in this department:#64

  Students also scheduled
76-828 Visual/Verbal Rhetoric
76-842 Communicating Across Cultures
76-760 Literary Journalism Workshop
39-606 Engineering Product Design Projects
76-820 Comprehension and Communication

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 11:30 am - 12:50 pm M Neuwirth TBD TBD Add course to my schedule
W Neuwirth TBD TBD

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