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85-291 Film Festival: Psychology of Intergroup Relations

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In this course we will examine social psychological theories of group behavior and interactions through the use of film. Students in the course will be expected to participate in the selection, review and critique of the target films as well as application of social psychological theories to the behaviors illustrated. In particular, we will focus on Social Identity and how individuals are treated differently and how they treat each other based on the groups to which they belong. Both the art of film and the realistic portrayal of group conflict and behavior will be explored. The course will culminate in a film festival on Diversity Issues in Film. This course is run in conjunction with the annual Film Festival hosted by various departments in the College of Humanities of Social Sciences. Students in the course will participate in the planning, promotion, and running of a public Film Festival based on the films reviewed in the course.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#192
Rank in this department:#9

  Students also scheduled
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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 6:30 - 9:20 pm T Boyd SH 125 Add course to my schedule

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